16 Rules And Regulation For Building Concrete Driveway In Oregon

1.) A permit must be obtained from the Building and Zoning Inspection Department prior to the beginning of any work on the sidewalk or driveway within the public right-of-way way. Concrete cannot be poured or asphalt laid after an examination has been conducted of subgrade as well as any formwork done by an inspector from the City of Oregon.

2.) Driveways should be wide at the curb line no less than opening of the curb and a minimum width of eight feet on the street end that runs along the curb. A curb opening should not be smaller than 12 feet and no greater than 40 feet long.

3.) The driveway cannot be constructed or rebuilt in a primary thoroughfare in order to be located at a distance of the driveway being not more than 65ft from an intersection curb line that is on the left side that is approaching an intersection, unless it is approved by Council.

4.) Before the removal or replacement of existing driveways or curbs, the contractor must create a full-depth saw cut in the road surface and the curbs or driveways which are to be removed. Any pavement damage caused by the removal of an existing curb or driveway should be cut cleanly and replaced with a similar type.

5) The use in decorative, stamped or colored concrete in the public right-of-way is not allowed without the prior approval from the Director of Public Service. It is the responsibility of the City of Oregon is not be held accountable to replace of the decorative, stamped, or colored concrete that is placed in the rights of way for the public of way in the event that the concrete must be removed in order to install repair, replacement or replacement of the public infrastructure. Any additional cost associated with any replacement for the ornamental concrete in order to match the existing concrete stamping or coloring will be the cost of the property owner.

6) Any driveway that is abutting streets without curbs should be constructed with a culvert laid at a grade , and must be constructed of a material and size to be decided by the Director of Service, but at no time less than the size or strength of twelve\” reinforced concrete.

7) All driveways for residential use that are within the public right of way should be constructed of at least 6-inches of plain Portland cement concrete set on a 2-inch of aggregate base that has been compacted or a minimum 2-inches of asphalt concrete on an 8 inch minimum foundation of compacted aggregate.

8.) Commercial driveways should be constructed using at least 8-inches of plain Portland cement concrete on 2 inches of aggregate base that is compacted as well as a minimum 4 inches of asphalt concrete on an 8-inch minimum base of compacted aggregate.

9) Contractors must build all concrete walks and drives as per the requirements of the ODOT CMS Item 608. The use of steel or wire rebar reinforcement is allowed within the right-of-way. Fiber reinforced concrete is permissible.

10) Concrete driveways that are abutting roads without curbs should be terminated at 2 feet minimum at the pavement\’s edge. Alternatively, a concrete joint may be set two feet away from the pavement\’s edge in a parallel line to the street.

11) Sidewalks that border residential property should be of a width of 4 feet. Sidewalks in other areas should have a minimum five feet. Sidewalks should be made with plain concrete at that is at least 4 inches thick , notwithstanding that within the confines of the driveway and the distance of one foot per side, they must be 6 inches. This section should be segregated from the adjacent driveway or sidewalk by half-inch pre-molded extension joints. Additional expansion joints of 1/4 inch in thickness are required at intervals of 25 feet and at intersections that have crosswalks.

12.) All sidewalks should slope towards the street at more than 1/4 inches per foot, nor greater than half inch, and slope towards directions of movement but not greater than 1/2 inches per foot.

13) Sidewalks must be built in the public right-of-way. They must be at least one foot off the property boundary, unless otherwise approved from the director. They must be constructed with a slope over the curb so that the slope between the sidewalk and the curb is approximately 1/2 millimeter per foot. The space between the curb and the sidewalk must be filled with a proper amount of soil and graded to create a level slope between the sidewalk and the curb.

14.) All sidewalks must be constructed with 1-1/2 inch deep notches that are spaced out at 5 feet intervals perpendicular to the direction of travel.

15) Any curb box used for water or gas, or manhole covers, gas drips or sidewalk gratings should be installed or rebuilt in a manner that is exactly at the level of the driveway or walk.

16) A sidewalk or driveway should be constructed if the temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit , unless the work is protected from frost in a way that has been approved by the Director of Public Service. Director of Public Service

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